Thursday, December 22, 2011

BLAKE: Today Blake tried the whole "lick a metal pole when its freezing cold outside" dare. His tongue obviously got stuck and is now bleeding. When I asked him what he was thinking he said, "Mom everyone knows that that doesn't really happen." UMMM, no Blake, I think it does really happen!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

DAMON: Today, Ashlyn, Damon, and I met Terry for lunch. We got Damon a little kids cup with water in it. When we were just about finished with our lunch, Damon begs to be let out of his high chair, so I do. He grabs his drink, waves by and walks away. So I get up and follow him to see what he was up to. I find him at the Pepsi machine, reaching up trying to get something different to drink. Apparently the water wasn't good enough for him! (22 months old)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The other day, Terry and Blake went golfing with one of Blake's best bud (Dallin) and his dad Cameron and little brother. They were just about done and were standing around while the boys hit a few, when suddenly Terry gets hit in the chest with a golf ball from a nearby golfer. While Terry is confronting the other golfer (who was unappologetic), he hears Cameron telling Blake, "No, that's not our ball." Come to find out, Blake was mad at the other golfer for hitting his dad, so he picked up the other golfer's ball and threw it into the little pond!
Right now Damon is about 21 1/2 months old. His talking has been a little slow developing, but here are a few things that he does say...

Mauee= Mommy
Daee= Daddy
Joo= Drink or Juice
Side= Outside
Home= Home
Ashee= Ashlyn
Da down= Sit down
Da dup= Stand up
Ear ee es= there it is
Ball= Ball
Bay= Blake

He is a pretty funny kid... When he wants you to sit in a certain place he will "pat" it until you do what he wants. If something gets knock on the floor, he will yell at you until you put it back where it was. His most favorite thing to say right now is Daee Home. (Daddy's home)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

ASHLYN: The other day I was making chocolate chip cookies, when Ashlyn walked into the kitchen. She looked into my mixing bowl and when she saw what was in it she said:
"Well hello there gorgeous!" She loves chocolate chip cookies. Maybe you had to be there but it was funny!